Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday, October 29, 2015

One thing that I realized during my first club meeting is that I was really unaware of European (or should I say to me "western") martial arts.  I tended to think of them in general as modern things like boxing, fencing, using firearms.  Learning most these skills is just as expensive if not more so than joining a dojo to learn eastern martial arts.

During the meeting I found myself comparing eastern martial arts against HEMA.   HEMA is about sharing arcane fighting skills with others.  A group of people passionate about their art who desire to teach and share it with others who desire to learn. As well as needing sparring partners.  It is still teaching the mindset, skills, reflexes and heart of a warrior. These things are still applicable for living in today's world.   This things are what I am looking for.  So I am back to learning European aka western sword skills.

I've had a pretty good day.  Despite getting off to a very slow start I feel like I accomplished quite a bit today.  I did all my morning stuff and had a nice practice session with my practice sword.  I finished up an order of replacement panes for lamp fixtures.  Did another one this afternoon.  Cleaned up the rest of my cabinet mess, worked on a counter top and put away scrap glass.  Trimmed Lacey's toenails, paid bills, cleaned out voice mail and finally set up my message for it.

This morning I actually sat down and did a real meditation session for twenty minutes.  I've concluded I don't know as much about meditating as I thought I did.  More research on it for me tonight.  I found it hard to stay in the same position for so long.  It didn't help that I was stills ore from doing five, yes only five push-ups on Tuesday.  Time to do some more.

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